Friday, March 12, 2010

30-60-90 day plans, as a Work In Progress

Many of the managers I work with like to see 30-60-90 day plans. It gives them a sense of how you would go about developing yourself and your territory. Such a plan also conveys your professionalism and seriousness.

Many of the plans that candidates create are too vague and superficial. (Guess what- we know you will go to training if selected.) Such basic items should be included but they do not a meaty, serious, substantial 30-60-90 day plan make.

In the better plans I have seen, candidates dig in and do some real world research. For example:

1. Names of major hospitals in the territory
2. Key contacts at these hospitals- there is usually good information to be found on the hospital's websites
3. Profile a few key doctors- again the hospital website might be a good starting point, and then google up some additional information
4. Incorporate key products into your plan- how will you increase market share? who is the competition?
5. What is your gameplan for developing your territory- as in specific actionable items by week or month

I know, I know. You don't really know the products or the company or the territory just yet... but why not give it your best shot? If this is truly the job you want, why wait to start learning and investing in your own success?

Think of it as a Work In Progress. As you move through the interview process, you will learn more about the job. Refine your plan as you go along. Ask the hiring manager some pertinent questions to develop it further. If it seems appropriate, you might even ask a rep or manager to review it and give you feedback. By your final interview, you will have a roadmap for when you start in your new territory... hit the ground running, and become Rookie of the Year- right?

Developing and refining a 30-60-90 day plan is a great way to demonstrate your serious, professional commitment to success.

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