Thursday, December 31, 2009

Farewell 2009

Steve Porcaro asks a great question on his Linked In Group: What is the ONE thing you like best about Medical Device Sales?

As the answers show, it is hard to choose just ONE thing. There are many great things about being a part of a dynamic, challenging and exciting industry like this one. Medical device sales is rewarding on so many levels.

In 2009, many other industries were in a total free-fall. I saw some of the damage up close. As you might imagine, I talked to many people this year who had lost their jobs. In some cases, it was as though the industry they had been a part of had completely vanished.

Medical devices may have hit a few bumps, we may have had to rethink a few things, but on the whole the industry is weathering the storm far better than most. Although the financial rewards may not have been equal to prior years, in times like these it is no small thing to simply be able to provide for your family.

Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Holidays from a very special elf

This very merry video was created by one of the new hires. I hope you will enjoy it was much as I did. What a fun, creative way to get his customers' attention!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Seven Touches

One of the things I talk to candidates about when I am interviewing about is cold calling. Every sales position requires it to be successful. As you all know, persistence is crucial to winning a new customer.

I found an article about "seven touches", which is the idea that it takes a customer about seven contacts (or more) before they decide to do business with you. Touches are more than just cold calling on the phone or in-person, as this article suggests.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Least Favorite Game

As a recruiter, phone tag is the bane of my existence. Like many salespeople, connecting and communicating with many people every day is an important part of my job. If I played much phone tag, it would be very inefficient, so I have figured out ways to short-circuit the game.

Here are a few things I do to ensure I connect as quickly as possible:

1. On my own voice mail message, I ask people to let me know the best time to return their call. Then I put them on my calendar at that time and ring them up.

2. When I leave a voicemail or email, I let the person I am trying to reach several possible times to reach me based on my schedule.

3. When I am trying to connect with someone, I often email them as well as leaving them a voice mail message, sometimes simultaneously. Just like my voice mails, I always ask people to let me know the best time and number to reach them at. When they provide me with this info, I acknowledge via e-mail to let them know I will call them at that time.

4. Text messaging is another great way to set up a time to connect live.

5. I return calls right away rather than waiting. If they just called me, then they are probably available. Quicker response conveys greater urgency, and people often respond accordingly.

6. I find that trying different methods (voicemail, email, texting) and different times works well. Some people respond better to email, others to calls.

Basic? Probably. These are pretty simple things, but I have noticed a lot of people play a lot of phone tag. Since I do my fair share of cold calling, I have found using these approaches in combination helps boost my response rate.